March 9, 2025


Nurturing Whole Body Health

Asian Women’s Secrets of a Tight Vagina and High Fertility Rates

Asian Women’s Secrets of a Tight Vagina and High Fertility Rates

Women in Asia have been reaping the rich benefits of natural medicine for thousands of years but now in the age of the internet and globalization, people in the west have also been gaining interest in the use of herbs for improving their health. In this article we are going to find out the herbs that Asian women have been using for effectively tightening their vagina and improve their overall reproductive health.

Popular Herbs

Curcuma comosa, pueraria mirifica, aloe and witch hazel are some of the most common herbs used by Asian women to tighten their vagina. These herbs usually work by tightening and firming muscles as they help increase blood flow to the affected area. Witch hazel has also been found to be very effective in shrinking hemorrhoids.

Products That Are Popular and Effective

There are many herbal vaginal tightening products being sold in the market but there are only a few of them which are effective like virgin cream or instant virgin spray. The effectiveness and popularity of these two is largely due to the quality of herbal ingredients used, as it is believed that good quality herbs show quick results.

Other Benefits Of These Herbs

Herbs used in vagina tightening creams are also effective in treating other problems like low libido, vaginal odor and help improve overall sexual health. One thing to keep in mind is that you should avoid applying these creams if you have any vaginal infection or if you are pregnant but it is completely safe for breast feeding mothers.

Looking at the rich properties that these herbs possess it is no wonder why Asian women have been known to be more fertile and sexually active as compared to women in the west but now it is time for women all over the world to reap the rich benefits of alternative system of medicine.